Ingredients for 4 people:
400 g stretched dough
500 g of apples
50 g raisins
150 g of honey or brown sugar
lemon juice,
ground cinnamon,
lemon peel
oil, aluminum foil
Grate the peeled apples, drizzle with lemon juice, add soaked raisins, honey or brown sugar, ground cinnamon and lemon peel. The resulting mass spread on three pieces of stretched dough and turn. For each taken two sheets of stretched dough (the leaves are placed one on top of another), and wrapped into oild aluminum foil and cook slowly in boiling water for 20 minutes. Cooked dumplings removed from the water, wait a few minutes and then unscrew them, cut and serve. Dumplings can be drizzle with butter roasted breadcrumbs.
Cinnamon Sauce:
Apple compote, sugar, cinnamon, corn starch. Mash the apple compote, add sugar, ground cinnamon. Mixed corn starch in cold water, then boil and pour under dumplings.
Honey Sauce:
Honey, wine, brown sugar, corn starch, water. Put in the pan honey, brown sugar, wine and water mixed with corn starch. Boil and pour under dumplings.