martes, 31 de mayo de 2016

United Kingdom - School Council

United Kingdom - European Games

United Kingdom - Nurse's Visit

         A nurse practitioner come in to the setting to talk to the children about a healthy body.

United Kingdom - Lesson Plans

United Kingdom - Eating in the Enviroment

United Kingdom - Lesson Plans Photos

United Kingdom - British Values

United Kingdom - Planting Seeds

martes, 17 de mayo de 2016

Spain: Pasta salad

1 kg of pasta                      200 gr pineaple
250 gr cheese                     200 gr apple
250 gr sweet corn               500 gr lettuce
250 gr surimi                      mayonnaise
250 gr ham                         salt

1.   We cook pasta.
2.   We cut and prepare the rest of the ingredients in little pieces.
3.   We mix the ingredients together with pasta.
4.   We add salt and mayonnaise to our taste.

5.   Enjoy it!